Preparing for a Healthy Pregnancy

By: Dr. Martha Tesfalul

In the US, nearly half of pregnancies are unplanned. Even though unplanned pregnancies can be safe, planning can help improve the chance of having a healthy pregnancy. Here are some frequently asked questions and tips to help get you or your loved ones prepared for the journey!

Hopefully, the information above is helpful to you! Below are resources for you to learn more about some of the topics reviewed. If you have any additional questions or concerns about what was shared above, please email


Preparing for Pregnancy:

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist's Good Health Before Pregnancy: Prepregnancy Care Frequently Asked Questions

General Health Recommendations :

Women's Preventative Services Initiative Well-Woman Chart 

Medications, Supplements, Food, and Other Exposures:


National Institutes of Health's Dietary Supplement Fact Sheets


Office on Women's Health Webpage on Infertility

American Society for Reproductive Medicine's Patient Fact Sheets & Info Booklets

And of course, the content of Habesha Health, which is focused on improving the health of our community including those who are considering becoming pregnant! 


Understanding Diabetes


Adopting a Trauma-Informed Approach to Self Care